
19 July 2024

EU type approval obtained - highest quality for electronic components in touring vehicles guaranteed!

Our switches show that we permanently meet all EU safety, environmental and production requirements.

EU type approval obtained - highest quality for electronic components in touring vehicles guaranteed!

What does type approval mean in detail?
EU Type Approval was revised in September 2020 and the new framework now ensures even higher quality in vehicles. The approval, which is regulated and based on the framework regulation (EU) 2018/858, covers both vehicles and their components and is essentially used to ensure compliance with specifications for the safety of vehicle occupants and the components installed in them when they are placed on the market in the EU.

As a supplier of electronic components and switches, it was time for us to qualify our products for this market!

What are the main components of the EU type approval?
An important part of the type approval is the electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) test according to ECE R10 or the Automotive EMC Directive. This ensures that our products do not interfere with other equipment and are resistant to interference.
The process leading up to the type approval was also extremely rewarding and shows that we are serious about the caravan industry - because from now on we can prove it in black and white with the type approval marking with the E number on our products. As the leading supplier of switches for all types of motorhomes, we are once again proving our reliability and quality!

When did EVYTRA achieve type approval?
In April, we successfully passed the initial assessment by the German Federal Motor Transport Authority (KBA). In the form of an audit based on ISO 9001, it was confirmed that we meet all special requirements accordingly.

Martin Isenschmid

I also thank you very much for the top message and your support in this matter! We appreciate this very much. Through the early delivery, you have saved us a lot of trouble with our customer!

Also, love to your colleagues in the assembly of components, who made an extra effort for us! That's what I call top customer service.

Martin Isenschmid Impact Acoustic AG, Chief Purchasing Officer
Fabio Zürn

For this reason, I would like to thank you in advance for the super support and cooperation. As I have already informed you, I am also passing on this positive feedback internally. The entire, open communication is very exemplary and so we were able to deal with the issue quickly.

Fabio Zürn Oertli Instrumente AG, Quality assurance
Cornelius Berns

Dear FELA team, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your outstandingly fast feedback as well as the samples! A cooperation as one would wish!

Cornelius Berns Thermokon Sensortechnik GmbH, Head of Sales